
Trying to capture and modify the TC in-file afterwards. I've found a nice way to store the timestamps from the capture. Gyan's brillant filterchain

This works fine using this line:

ffmpeg -hide_banner -f "decklink" -queue_size "1073741824" -raw_format "auto" -format_code "Hi50" -video_input "sdi" -i "bm mini One" -filter_complex "settb=1/1000,setpts=RTCTIME/1000-1500000000000,mpdecimate,split[out][ts];[out]setpts=N/25/TB[out]" -map "[out]" -c:a "copy" -c:v "prores" -profile:v "1" -vendor "ap10" -pix_fmt "yuv422p10le" "/Volumes/Data/tst1.mov" -map "[ts]" -f mkvtimestamp_v2 "/Volumes/Data/time.txt" -vsync 0

But, when I add -timecode "00:00:00:00" (to force a TC atom in the output), horrible things happen.

ffmpeg -f "decklink" -queue_size "1073741824" -raw_format "auto" -format_code "Hi50" -video_input "sdi" -i "bm mini One" -filter_complex "settb=1/1000,setpts=RTCTIME/1000-1500000000000,mpdecimate,split[out][ts];[out]setpts=N/25/TB[out]" -map "[out]" -timecode "00:01:00:00" -c:a "copy" -c:v "prores" -profile:v "1" -vendor "ap10" -pix_fmt "yuv422p10le" "/Volumes/Data/tst1.mov" -map "[ts]" -f mkvtimestamp_v2 "/Volumes/Data/time.txt" -vsync 0

The timecode does not run at the video speed, skips a frame or two here and there, and the image freezes after a random amount of time (between 10 seconds and a minute or so).

How come the timecode can mess up stuff that much? From what I understand it's just a couple of atoms in the moov atom, and a reference where the actual TC value (as frames) is stored in the mdat.

I highly suspect the -vsync 0 to also work on the video, and I've had issues with that before. If I omit that, the video is fine, the TC is fine, but there is no metadata output, just the # timecode format v2

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