
I'm trying to implement Kruskal's algortihm in C# and I got such

NullReferenceException: subsets[] was null

enter image description here

Here is my class Graph and Kruskal's algortihm with some needed methods

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Linq;

namespace Application
    public class Graph
        public List<Vertex> Vertexes = new List<Vertex>();
        public List<Edge> Edges = new List<Edge>();

        public int VertexCount => Vertexes.Count;
        public int EdgesCount => Edges.Count;

        public void Add(Vertex vertex)
        public void Add(Vertex from, Vertex to, int weight)
            var edge = new Edge(from, to, weight);
        public void Kruskal(Graph graph)
            Edge[] edges = Edges.ToArray();
            int verticesCount = graph.VertexCount;            
            Edge[] result = new Edge[verticesCount];
            int i = 0;
            int e = 0;

            Array.Sort(edges, delegate (Edge a, Edge b)
                return a.Weight.CompareTo(b.Weight);

            //exception is here
            Subset[] subsets = new Subset[verticesCount];
            for (int v = 0; v < verticesCount; ++v)
                subsets[v].Parent = v;
                subsets[v].Rank = 0;

            while (e < verticesCount - 1)
                Edge nextEdge = edges[i++];
                int x = Find(subsets, nextEdge.From.Number);
                int y = Find(subsets, nextEdge.To.Number);

                if (x != y)
                    result[e++] = nextEdge;
                    Union(subsets, x, y);

            Print(result, e);

        private int Find(Subset[] subsets, int i)
            if (subsets[i].Parent != i)
                subsets[i].Parent = Find(subsets, subsets[i].Parent);

            return subsets[i].Parent;

        private void Union(Subset[] subsets, int x, int y)
            int xroot = Find(subsets, x);
            int yroot = Find(subsets, y);

            if (subsets[xroot].Rank < subsets[yroot].Rank)
                subsets[xroot].Parent = yroot;
            else if (subsets[xroot].Rank > subsets[yroot].Rank)
                subsets[yroot].Parent = xroot;
                subsets[yroot].Parent = xroot;

        private static void Print(Edge[] result, int e)
            for (int i = 0; i < e; ++i)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} -- {1} == {2}", result[i].From.Number, result[i].To.Number, result[i].Weight);

Here is my Subset class

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace Application
    class Subset
        public int Parent;
        public int Rank;

I can't actually understand, why my array is empty and how to fix this issue. If you know something, please, write about it

Olivier Rogier
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