I'm running an application where a timestamp is generated whenever a column from the backend is updated. On the frontend I'm able to read that timestamp, however, I'm struggling to format it.

The simplest thing I tried to do was to apply

portal.manager.updated_at.toISOString().substring(0, 10)

but I got: ".toISOString is not a function".

Also, where should I format this value? In the backend or in the frontend? This value is being generated by TypeORM with SQLite.

Column Definition:

  name: 'updated_at',
  type: 'timestamp',
  default: 'now()',

At the model:

updated_at: Date;

In the Frontend:

type Portal = {
  name: string;
  manager: {
    updated_at: Date;
export default function Portals() {
return (

Thanks a lot!

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3 Answers3


You should format on the client side.

If you are fetching data from rest api my guessing is that your date is a string, even after parsing the response. You need to wrap it with new Date(updated_at)

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moment.js and date-fns are two popular date utility libraries. Choose any one of your liking and use it to parse the date (updated_at)

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The straightforward answer to my question led to:

type Portal = {
  name: string;
  manager: {
    updated_at: Date;
export default function Portals() {
return (
    <h1>{new Date(portal.manager.updated_at).substring(0, 10)}</h1>

However, if you want (and that's my case) to really format your date, rather than just trimming a part of it this is the solution with date-fns

import format from 'date-fns/format';

type Portal = {
  name: string;
  manager: {
    updated_at: Date;

function formatDate(date: Date) {
  const formattedDate = format(new Date(date), 'dd/MM/yyyy');
  return formattedDate;

export default function Portals() {
return (

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