I have a record of following format...

"_id" : ObjectId("609cd99d1af4ac1036d78f7d"),
"userrole" : "admins",
"locks" : [
"userid" : "2932fb99-4c41-4342-99e0-af15f8146da0",
"useremail" : "fsasdev@gmail.com",
"filepath" : "output/notes.txt",

How to fetch userid,useremail where filepath matches"output/notes.txt"?

Tushar Gupta - curioustushar
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1 Answers1


Demo - https://mongoplayground.net/p/FFYYCqOmPx-

Use $

The positional $ operator limits the contents of a to return the first element that matches the query condition on the array.

  "locks.filepath": "output/notes.txt" // query 
  "locks.$": 1 // projection

Demo - https://mongoplayground.net/p/TLqmuhN6H3q

    $match: { "locks.filepath": "output/notes.txt" } // filter to reduce load in unwind
  { $unwind: "$locks" }, //  break into individual documents
    $match: { "locks.filepath": "output/notes.txt" } // filter
    $replaceRoot: { "newRoot": "$locks" } // set root as $locks
Tushar Gupta - curioustushar
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