I have a react app which is integrated with wordpress application. In wordpress app, there will be links associated with react app. when i click the link , it will come to react app running successfully. I achieved this by using wpengine plugin and short code. On clicking of , we will come to react app. now , when i reload the page, 404 error not found comes. see the image 1

attached image will show the pages in the wpengine. in pricing page, we have deployed our react app.

image2 the image is the wordpress app running. on clicking of pricing , react app comes........

image3 now the react app has arrived. look at the url "/pricing " is working. when i click any other links , it works fine. let me click and go to the page. see it on next img....

imge4 on clicking of admin center login, it leads to " /signinemail-pricing " route. it works fine. so far no problem. When i reload or manually write in the URL and enter, page not fount error comes...

img5 after refresing the page, it goes to wordpress website and not found the page error comes. it shows this route is not there "/signinemail-pricing"

we have a page " Pricing " in wordpress engine (look at the 1st page). under Pricing, we have deployed our react app. When we straight away calling the "signinemail-pricing" route , it shows it doesnt exist. This is the problem . how to achieve this? please help me to solve. Any idea is welcome. Thanks in advance.

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