I am trying to cancel chrome autofilling on my inputs using autocomplete="off". I have a case of a <p:selectOneMenu> which have the attribute editable=true. Then, when I focus on the field, chrome autocomplete propose some past texts. How can I cancel this autofilling knowing that the attribute autocomplete is not available for <p:selectOneMenu>?

I have already tried to manage it through javascript, but the onfocus attribute concern dropdown click and not input area focus.

1 Answers1


Unfortunately this is not PrimeFaces related. It is that Chrome AutoFill has been a mess over the years.

Here is the thread you want and look at how many times its been updated or answers changed just in the last 3 years.

Disabling Chrome Autofill

Basically Google has gone back and forth about allowing the developer to control what gets autofilled or not and for a while they completely ignore autocomplete="off" saying developers shouldn't decide what a user wants. Then they added some new auto-complete flags. Its a 100% mess in my opinion.

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