I'm having issues for passing data received as a response from one form component to another component.

I'm using a class component to handle lifecycle methods such as componentDidMount() for api calls to fill some info for select options for a form.

I have looked through the different answers already made here but none seems to work since i get the error

TypeError: undefined has not properties when trying to display the data.

Im capturing the data from a response as shown below

Main component

  handleSubmit = (event) => {
      .get("http://localhost:3000/results", {
        params: {
      .then((res) => {
        this.setState({ submitted: true });
        return res.data;
      .then((data) => {
        this.setState({ res_data: data });


then using the render method to make the redirection if the form was submitted as shown below

var response_data = this.state.res_data
if (this.state.submitted) {
      return <Redirect push to={{ pathname: "/results", state:{res_data: response_data} }} />;
    } else

the component handling the /results route is a simple header with a console.log to check for data.

Second Component /results route

const Results = (props) => {
    return <h2>Results</h2>

export default Results

App component

            <Route path="/signup">
              <SignUp />

            <Route path="/results">
            <Route path="/">
              <Home />
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1 Answers1


This post is a duplicate of ReactJS - Pass props with Redirect component?

The answer is the same as the post mentioned

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