Here is the code (yes, I know it's a lot):

using namespace std;

//Define structure
struct Type
    string name;
    long int numOfItem;
    double cost;
    double sale;
    double taxRate;
    double profit;

//Function prototypes
string getName(); //Get Type.name
long int getAmount(); //Get Type.numOfItem
double getCost(); //Get Type.cost
double getSale(); //Get Type.sale
double getTax(); //Get Type.taxRate

int main()
    int numTypes; //How many products are being sold
    double totalProfit = 0.0; //Will hold the total profit later
    double budget = 0.0; //Will hold how much you have available to spend
    double totalCost = 0.0; //Will hold the amount needed to buy the items

    cout << "What is your budget?\n";
    cin >> budget; //Get the budget

    cout << "How many types of items are there?\n";
    cin >> numTypes; //Get the number of items

    Type *products = new Type[numTypes]; //Dynamically allocate an array

    cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2); //Set the precision

    for(int count = 0; count < numTypes; count++)
        products[count].name = getName(); //This doesn't want to work
        products[count].numOfItem = getAmount();
        products[count].cost = getCost();
        products[count].sale = getSale();
        products[count].taxRate = (getTax()/100);
        products[count].profit = ((products[count].sale 
                                     + (products[count].sale
                                     * products[count].taxRate)) 
                                     - (products[count].cost
                                     + (products[count].cost
                                     * products[count].taxRate)));
        totalProfit += (products[count].profit 
                         * products[count].numOfItem);
        totalCost += (products[count].cost
                     + (products[count].cost
                     * products[count].taxRate
                     * products[count].numOfItem));
    } //Get the information about the item(s)

    cout << "Your total cost is $" << totalCost << endl; //Display the cost of the items

    //See if you have the funding to get the items, if not, end the program
    if(budget < totalCost)
        cout << "You are $" << (totalCost - budget) << " over budget!\n";
        cout << "Order cancelled. Insufficeint funding.";
        return 0;
    else if(budget == totalCost)
        cout << "You have met your budget.";
        cout << "You are $" << (budget - totalCost) << " under budget!\n";

    //Get the possible profit per item
    cout << "Here is the profit for each unit of each item.\n"; 

    for(int index = 0; index < numTypes; index++)
        cout << "Item name: " << products[index].name << endl;
        cout << "Profit: " << products[index].profit << endl;
    } //Display the possible profit per item

    delete [] products; //Close the array
    products = nullptr; //Prevent bugs in the code

    cout << "The total profit for these numbers of these items is: ";
    cout << totalProfit << endl; //Display the total possible profit

    return 0; //End of program

//Functions other than main
string getName()
    string itemName;
    cout << "What is the name of the item: ";
    getline(cin, itemName); //This doesn't want to work
    return itemName;
long int getAmount()
    long int quantity;
    cout << "How many of this item are there?\n";
    cin >> quantity;
    return quantity;
double getCost()
    double itemCost;
    cout << "How much does this item cost (before tax)?\n";
    cin >> itemCost;
    return itemCost;
double getSale()
    double retail;
    cout << "How much are you selling it for (before tax)?\n";
    cin >> retail;
    return retail;
double getTax()
    double tax;
    cout << "What is the tax rate on this item (in percent)?\n";
    cin >> tax;
    return tax;

For the most part, it works, just not the name part.

When it comes time to input an item name, it fails.

What is the name of the item: How many of this item are there?
(blah blah blah)

When it comes time to output an item name, it fails.

Item name: 
Profit: (blah blah blah)

(blah blah blah) is user input numbers in examples above

No item name! What do I do?

Remy Lebeau
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carl rob
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  • Far too much code to illustrate the issue. The issue, though, is likely that you need to `std::cin.ignore()` before calling `std::getline()`. – sweenish Apr 23 '21 at 16:38

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