
I am a newbie in Laravel programming. I have searched so many resources about delete functions but it doesn't work. When I click my delete button, it only shows 404 NOT FOUND. I am using Laravel 7.0. Hopefully, you can help me resolve it. Thank you! enter image description here


     * Remove the specified resource from storage.
     * @param  int  $id
     * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
    public function destroy($id)
        $student = Student::find($id);
        return redirect('/');

Here is my Route:


Here is my View:

<table class="table thead-light">
      <th scope="col">ID</th>
      <th scope="col">Mã sinh viên</th>
      <th scope="col">Khối</th>
      <th scope="col">Tên lớp</th>
      <th scope="col">Họ và Tên</th>
      <th scope="col">Thầy/Cô giáo chủ nhiệm</th>
      <th scope="col">Tính năng</th>
    @foreach($students as $student)
        <th scope="row">{{ $student->id }}</th>
        <td>{{ $student->student_id }}</td>
        <td>{{ $student->grade }}</td>
        <td>{{ $student->class }}</td>
        <td>{{ $student->fullname }}</td>
        <td>{{ $student->head_teacher }}</td>
        <td id="functions">           
          <a href="#" class="btn btn-info">Xem hồ sơ</a> 
            <a href="{{ url('/edit/'.$student->id) }}" class="btn btn-warning">Sửa</a>
            <a href='delete/{{ $student->id }}' class="btn btn-danger">Xóa</a>
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3 Answers3


Another route might be overriding your delete route.

For delete operations, you sould be using a HTTP Delete request instead of Get.

<form action="/delete/{{ $student->id }}" method="POST">
    <button type="submit">Delete</button>
P. K. Tharindu
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Your link for deleting is incorrect. You should use named routes.

For your Route


For the link in the View

<a href='{{ route('delete.student', $student->id) }}' class="btn btn-danger">Xóa</a>

Consider changing your edit link as well. Try not to use url() for links, use named routes.

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Well, I have found the solution to my problem. I have just made reference to this article: 404 Not Found, but route exist in Laravel 5.4. In a nutshell, I should use "php artisan route:clear" and "php artisan route:list".

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