I use the GCP Transcoder API with the following configuration:

  • NodeJS 12

  • Firebase Storage

  • Firestore DB


  • job start on upload (firebase function)

      const config = {
        "elementaryStreams": [
            "videoStream": {
              "codec": "h264",
              "tune": 'zerolatency',
              "preset": 'superfast',
              "heightPixels": 360,
              "widthPixels": 640,
              "bitrateBps": 400000,
              "rateControlMode": "vbr",
              "frameRate": 30,
              "crfLevel": 26,
              "gopMode": { "gopDuration": "1.0s",  }
            "key": "video-stream0"
            "videoStream": {
              "codec": "h264",
              "tune": 'zerolatency',
              "preset": 'superfast',
              "heightPixels": 480,
              "widthPixels": 854,
              "bitrateBps": 1500000,
              "rateControlMode": "vbr",
              "frameRate": 60,
              "crfLevel": 26,
              "gopMode": { "gopDuration": "1.0s",  }
            "key": "video-stream1"
            "videoStream": {
              "codec": "h264",
              "tune": 'zerolatency',
              "preset": 'superfast',
              "heightPixels": 720,
              "widthPixels": 1280,
              "bitrateBps": 3000000,
              "rateControlMode": "vbr",
              "frameRate": 60,
              "crfLevel": 26,
              "gopMode": { "gopDuration": "1.0s",  }
            "key": "video-stream2"
            "key": "audio-stream0",
            "audioStream":  {
              "codec":  "aac",
              "bitrateBps":  128000,
              "channelCount": 2,
              "channelLayout": ["fl", "fr"],
              "sampleRateHertz": 48000,
        "muxStreams": [
            "key": "video-only-sd",
            "container": "fmp4",
            "elementaryStreams": [ "video-stream0" ],
            "segmentSettings": { 
              "segmentDuration": { "seconds": "2.0s" },
              "individualSegments": true 
            "key": "video-only-md",
            "container": "fmp4",
            "elementaryStreams": [ "video-stream1" ],
            "segmentSettings": { 
              "segmentDuration": { "seconds": "2.0s" },
              "individualSegments": true 
            "key": "video-only-hd",
            "container": "fmp4",
            "elementaryStreams": [ "video-stream2" ],
            "segmentSettings": { 
              "segmentDuration": { "seconds": "2.0s" },
              "individualSegments": true 
            "key": "audio-only",
            "container": "fmp4",
            "elementaryStreams": [ "audio-stream0" ],
            "segmentSettings": { 
              "segmentDuration": { "seconds": "2.0s" },
              "individualSegments": true 
        "manifests": [
            "fileName": "master.m3u8",
            "type": "HLS",
            "muxStreams": [

Excerpt of the output:enter image description here

The videos run wonderfully on various players, also adapt to the bandwidth, but the sound is missing on iPhones. Possible reason: The audio files were generated, but the number differs from the generated video files. At about 10 sec. video, there is one more audio file.

Any idea what I have forgotten or overlooked or wrongly defined or interpreted?

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