I am making a simple navigation menu and I want my last list item (search box) to the extreme right of navigation bar.

.nav-list li {
  float: left;
  margin: 10px 15px;

.nav-list .search-box {
  float: right;
  <ul class="nav-list">
    <li class="search-box">
      Search: <input type="text" name="search" id="search">

This is working fine. But when I am trying to target last list item with just the search-box class like

.search-box {
     float: right 

it is not floating to the right. Can anyone please explain why it is not working ?

Edit: It is also working fine if I target the last item via Id. Like

#search-box {
  float: right

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    as a side note, dont use float for styling pupose. Its long outdated and a mis-used hack. Use simply `display: flex;` – tacoshy Mar 31 '21 at 15:38
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3 Answers3


This is because of specificity coming into play. Consider the following rules, the list item <li class="search-box" id="search-box"> matches all of them:

.nav-list li          { float: left;  } /* 2 */
.nav-list .search-box { float: right; } /* 3 */
.search-box           { float: right; } /* 1 */
#search-box           { float: right; } /* 4 */
li.search-box         { float: right; } /* 2 */

When there are multiple matches for same property (float in this case), the rule with highest specificity wins1. I have numbered the rules based on soecifity; higher means having more weight.

1 In case of a tie, the rule appearing last in source order wins.

Salman A
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If you look at the computed styles tree in dev tools you see that .nav-list li is overriding .search-box as a selector. It simply comes down to selector specificity.

This is a common occurrence with CSS and your selector is appropriate. Avoid using !important whenever possible, as it makes future work more difficult.

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I want to show you different solution for the reason of correct styling and using modern techniques.

float is not intended for styling purpose. Its only for floating images within a text paragraph. It was a mis-used hack and unfortuantly still is tought.

The modern solution is the use of flexbox like in the sample below. Give the last item simply a margin-left: auto; and the amrgin will occupy the remaining space and as such move the last element to the very right side.

nav ul {
  display: flex;

nav ul li {
  margin: 10px 15px;

nav ul li:last-of-type {
  margin-left: auto;
      Search: <input type="text" name="search" id="search">
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  • Thanks a lot @tacoshy for your beautiful explaination and code solution of the problem. I am actually aware of the fact that float hack is outdated but I was just curious to know the solution of the above problem. Thanks – Deepak Yadav Mar 31 '21 at 16:14