I am able to make the image fade in but it immediately disappears when the cursor is off the image. I want it to slowly fade out. Here is an example of what I am wanting http://byvictoriageorge.studio/

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2 Answers2


Hard to say without code examples, but here is some theory.

You have a transition on your Image with opacity 0, and then it transitions to opacity 1 when hover.

You need to duplicate the same functionality, but vice versa. So what you can do it use the ease-in-out; setting on the transision css property.

So the full transition CSS would be soemthing like: transition: opacity 3s ease-in-out;

Edit: I can see your code transition: opacity .2s ease; so you want to change this to:

transition: opacity .2s ease-in-out;

Sweet Chilly Philly
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You need a little Javascript

  1. When the mouseenter add class (fade in)
  2. When the mouseleave add class (fade out)

or only CSS What is the opposite of :hover (on mouse leave)?

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