I'm trying to use PIP to install pandas on spyder however I keep getting this issue:

/Applications/Spyder.app/Contents/MacOS/python: No module named pip
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
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(Spyder maintainer here) We don't provide pip in our Mac app to prevent people breaking Spyder by installing any kind of packages with it.

The only way to use other packages that don't come with our app is to install Miniconda, create a conda environment after that with the packages you want to use and spyder-kernels, and finally connect Spyder to that env.

Carlos Cordoba
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  • How do i create a conda environment ? – KingDan Apr 11 '21 at 23:50
  • The link I posted above explains how to do it, but the simplest way is (after installing Miniconda) to open a terminal and run `conda create -n my-env spyder-kernels` to create an env with `spyder-kernels` on it. Then you need to run `conda activate my-env` and install the packages that you need to use (e.g. `conda install seaborn`, `conda install scikit-learn`, etc). – Carlos Cordoba Apr 12 '21 at 01:57
  • I need to install mini conda first correct? – KingDan Apr 12 '21 at 02:47
  • Yes, you need to do that first. The first link in my answer will take you to the right page to download it. – Carlos Cordoba Apr 12 '21 at 02:51
  • And sorry for the huge inconvenience involved in making our users do all this by themselves. We plan to simplify the process and provide a simple, graphical way to create environments in the future (it's very high in our todo list). – Carlos Cordoba Apr 12 '21 at 02:55
  • After running conda create -n my-env spyder-kernels in my terminal I got this error "WARNING conda.core.envs_manager:register_env(50): Unable to register environment. Path not writable or missing." "environment location: /Users/opt/miniconda3/envs/my-env registry file: /Users/danielking/.conda/environments.txt" – KingDan Apr 12 '21 at 03:10
  • Please uninstall Miniconda and only install it for your user. That could solve your problem. – Carlos Cordoba Apr 12 '21 at 04:11
  • I'm still having the same issue – KingDan Apr 12 '21 at 16:45
  • Carlos is it possible to do a screen share with you? – KingDan Apr 12 '21 at 16:46
  • We'll try to set up office hours for our users, so you can have a chance to interact with us live. Please follow us on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/Spyder_IDE) for the details. We'll try to publish the announcement in the next couple of weeks. – Carlos Cordoba Apr 14 '21 at 05:51