
I'm trying to make this kina guess game on C++, I'm a beginner and still learning. What I'm trying to achieve is a guessing game of two const names, is very simple without errors but it's not working after I enter something. it should report until I find the correct name. Please also I don't want to change the structure of the code, just find why isn't working.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct Vlerat {
    string guess01 = "Resul";
    string guess02 = "Rejan";
    int numruesi = 0;

int main() {
    Vlerat funksioni;
    string nameGuess;
    int nameOkay = 0;
    cout << "Gjej njerin prej dy emrava te fshehura." << endl;
    cout << "Ndihm: Fillojn me Shkronjen 'R', dhe pas asaj vjen edhe nje shkronj 'e'" << endl;
    do {
        cout << "Shkruaj Emrin > "; cin >> nameGuess;

        if (nameGuess == funksioni.guess01){
            cout << "Ju e keni gjetur emrin e njerit nga personat duke provuar gjithesej:";
            cout << funksioni.numruesi++ << " here." << endl;
        if (nameGuess == funksioni.guess02) {
            cout << "Ju e keni gjetur emrin e njerit nga personat duke provuar gjithesej:";
            cout << funksioni.numruesi++ << " here." << endl;
    } while(nameOkay = 0);

1 Answers1


You should change while(nameOkay = 0); to while(nameOkay == 0);. Because = is an assignment, but == is operator of comparing (equality)

Read about it here

And here