I'm looking for a tool that will render a RDF graph in a reasonably useful graphic format. The primary purpose of the graphic format being inclusion into a PowerPoint slide or printing on a large plotter for management review.

I am currently using TopBraid Composer which does a reasonably well at visualizing a single entity but doesn't seem to have a clear way of visualizing the entire graph (as a whole).

Anyone know of any good solutions to this problem?

TopBraid Composer Graph view screenshot

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9 Answers9


RDF Gravity is an RDF visualisation tool.

Here's a screenshot: RDF Gravity Screenshot
(source: salzburgresearch.at)

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Seb Rose
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  • Website is currently down. Screenshot https://web.archive.org/web/20161121211502im_/http://semweb.salzburgresearch.at/apps/rdf-gravity/html/owl_ontology_1.jpg and download https://web.archive.org/web/20161208093431/http://semweb.salzburgresearch.at:80/apps/rdf-gravity/download.html – RADXack Feb 21 '18 at 17:24

Gephi was already mentioned, but I'll incode screenshots and a short description here.

Gephi can not just visualize graphs but also supports analyzing, layouting and further importing and exporting. There is a Semantic Web Import Extension that allows you to directly query (via SPARQL) or import RDF data. https://wiki.gephi.org/index.php/SemanticWebImport (You can install it directly within the program at Plugins.

Gephi Screenshot

There's a JavaScript Graph Visualisation Library which worked quiet nice for me: http://sigmajs.org/ It works well together with Gephi since you can Export your graph from there and import the file into SigmaJS. That way you can export your graph to an interactive web site. Example: http://fannon.de/p/smw/vis/George_Orwell_Platz_30.html

enter image description here

An important mention would be D3.js which has already dozends of force graph examples. But it doesn't support RDF directly, so the data has to be converted first.

A nice one is this: http://nylen.tv/d3-process-map/graph.php?dataset=les-mis

enter image description here

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I was looking for one too and i found this : https://gephi.org/ Pretty sure it works with rdf.

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  • Gephi has a Semantic Web Extension which lets you query or import RDF directly. It also has a lot of graph layouting and analyzing capabilities. This makes Gephi my current favorite. – Fannon May 28 '14 at 08:21
  • It only allows for .rdf and .rdfs files. Not .ttl or .nq. Moreover, https:// endpoint don't seem supported. – Richard Oct 27 '17 at 08:31

Protégé. Activate Tools > Tabs > Jambalaya.

alt text
(source: utexas.edu)

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  • Thanks gizmo, but I did specifically request screen shots. You could have gotten some reputation by posting a link to protege and a screenshot. It's less for me than it is for others that are coming to view this post in the future. – Eric Schoonover Sep 20 '08 at 03:01
  • Maybe this is what you are looking for: http://www.ischool.utexas.edu/~i385t-sw/archive/protege/protege-jambalaya-02.png – Lena Schimmel Jan 29 '09 at 14:43

-Cytoscape http://www.cytoscape.org/ works well with large scale graphs and you can create a static pdf or image.

-I also found this very interesting http://d3js.org/

It's not specific to RDF graphs, but in the examples there seems to be some cool functionality where the users could have a large degree of interaction with the data. It does however require a fair amount of JS programming knowledge.

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WebVOWL is a great choice for visualizing ontologies. http://vowl.visualdataweb.org/webvowl.html

enter image description here

Good Lux
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    This one is open source and great for who want to use such tools in browser without installation onto their desktop operating system. – 千木郷 Feb 10 '19 at 20:57

The Perl utility rdfdot, based on Graphviz, and this library, might help:



Graphviz is able to handle thousands of nodes, and therefore might suit the scale of your problem..


RDFShape which is also based on Graphviz can be useful to visualize small RDF graphs for presentations. It allows both SVG and PNG output formats. An example visualization can be this one

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Commandline with rapper and graphviz:

$ rapper --input ntriples $fname.nt --output dot > $fname.dot $ dot -Tpng $fname.dot > $fname.png

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