I am trying to reduce the data consumption of my app. Thats why I implemented the following caching for videos in my tableviewCells


It works so far, that I can check whether the video is in my cache or not but I am unable to play it from my local cache

the cached video path looks something like this

file:/Users/Dev1/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/86AFC4DE-CA7F-4AA4-97EE-0FB17173D5A4/data/Containers/Data/Application/697F3F33-A87A-4CDD-A1D0-D124A8CA5593/Library/Caches/-MV8TA8hReegG2OIUyy0 -- file:///

When trying to play the video in the AVPlayer it won't work.

            CacheManager.shared.getFileWith(stringUrl: vUrl) { result in

                switch result {
                case .success(let newUrl):
                    uri = URL(fileURLWithPath: newUrl.absoluteString)
                   // let url = URL(string: uri)
                    self.player = AVPlayer(url: uri)
                    self.playerLayer = AVPlayerLayer(player: self.player)
                    self.playerLayer?.frame = self.postImageView.frame
                case .failure(_):
                    uri = URL(string: vUrl)

i start the video playing afterwards. It works perfectly fine when I download my videos from my cloudStorage, but I am unable to play the cached videos.

Any suggestions how to do it? I have a similar video feed to tiktok/instagram&fb if this helps.

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  • if `newUrl` is already a URL, why are you trying to make *another* URL object out of it by calling `URL(fileURLWithPath)`? Why not just pass `newURL` straight to the AVPlayer? – jnpdx Mar 07 '21 at 03:27
  • yeah this was unnecessary but still doesn't change anything – Zash__ Mar 07 '21 at 17:08

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