I am trying to work on some github react apps on my windows 10 computer, but anytime I clone the repo and try to launch it I run into this message :

Error message

Here is the debug link that was at the end of the error :


I looked around a lot for solutions, updated my wsl 1 to wsl 2, updated the ubuntu version my wsl is using, tried running the npm commands as sudo, and I kinda ran out of things to try, and I got to admit I dont understand the error messages I am getting. Sometimes I also get ELIFECYCLE and ENOENT errors. If anyone that knows what all of that means has any idea how to fix my problem that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot !

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  • Try starting Visual Studio as administrator – Raman Sailopal Mar 02 '21 at 08:56
  • Hi thanks for answering. I tried this, I get this error message : https://i.imgur.com/xeiqyvv.png – YFDev Mar 02 '21 at 10:39
  • Doesn't look like you have run it correctly. Right click on the Visual studio exe and then click run as administrator – Raman Sailopal Mar 02 '21 at 10:44
  • Hello ! Thanks for insisting, I was everytime running it as administrator but once it was opened I did "File - Open folder" and I guess it must launch a new instance of VS Code not as admin. I just launched as admin, opened the wsl terminal and moved to the correct directory. Still an error, but a different one ! Progress?! Haha thanks again https://i.imgur.com/HoIZVi6.png – YFDev Mar 02 '21 at 10:51

1 Answers1


Hello fellow junior developer that had the same problem I had ! It is resolved ! First answer in this post : How to solve npm error "npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE"

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