Hello everyone,

I'm doing a request in SoapUI like in the photo below and I'm trying to make the same request in a SQL Server Database Project in Visual Studio... I kind of copied the functions needed for creating the webRequest from here Client to send SOAP request and receive response but I'm kind of stuck now because of the action. What do I need to write for the action? In my case there is a php, I'm a bit confused. I've tried couple of things but the response remains the same.. ( -1 )

enter image description here

The SoapUI request

enter image description here

There is this WS-A panel with some info as well about the request

enter image description here

Also, here is my envolope for the request... just in case

enter image description here

I've tried adding the web reference in another project and this is what I got ( I'm not allowed to use a web reference to this unfortunately.. )

enter image description here

I appreciate your time spent, thank you!

  • Your third image shows a screen for WS-Addressing, but none of your other screens show any SOAP headers for WS-Addressing. That action you are referring to seems to be useless. Have you tried ignoring it and just making the call to the `https://stg-ccon.cnh.com/ccon/cconWsConnect.php` endpoint? Make the call with SoapUI and, if successful, try to build a similar request in your code. – Bogdan Feb 19 '21 at 10:27
  • The SoapUI call works fine, it returns me what I want. :) I'm just trying to replicate this in C# ( without using a web reference ). – Dumitru Laurenţiu Feb 19 '21 at 11:43
  • So you are asking how to make a http call with an xml body? Or something else? – Bogdan Feb 19 '21 at 13:43
  • I eventually did it, only needed to set the action to "" and my response was all good :D – Dumitru Laurenţiu Feb 21 '21 at 13:30

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