I am facing an error while executing a code to display one of the graphs inside the file model.ctl in GrADS.

Landscape mode? ('n' for portrait):  n
GX Package Initialization: Size = 8.5 11
ga-> set display color white
ga-> clear
ga-> open model.ctl
Scanning description file:  model.ctl
Data file model.grb is open as file 1
LON set to 0 360
LAT set to -90 90
LEV set to 1000 1000
Time values set: 1987:1:1:0 1987:1:1:0
E set to 1 1
ga-> display ps
Open Error on Map Data Set: /Resources/SupportData/lowres
Contouring: 500 to 1000 interval 50
Error opening stroke character data set
  Data set names = /Resources/SupportData/font0.dat ; font0.dat
Error opening stroke character data set
  Data set names = /Resources/SupportData/font0.dat ; font0.dat
Error opening stroke character data set
  Data set names = /Resources/SupportData/font0.dat ; font0.dat
Error opening stroke character data set
  Data set names = /Resources/SupportData/font0.dat ; font0.dat
Error opening stroke character data set
  Data set names = /Resources/SupportData/font0.dat ; font0.dat
Error opening stroke character data set
  Data set names = /Resources/SupportData/font0.dat ; font0.dat
Error opening stroke character data set
  Data set names = /Resources/SupportData/font0.dat ; font0.dat
Error opening stroke character data set
  Data set names = /Resources/SupportData/font0.dat ; font0.dat

This is what I am getting once I press display ps. I am not able to decipher the reason for this, though I tried a lot. Because of this error, the graphs that I want are't getting displayed and also I am not able to print them using printim.

If anyone knows what the error can be, please help me out.

Thank You!

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