I have json strings inside a dataframe column. I want to bring all these new json columns into the dataframe.

# Input
JsonID <- as.factor(c(1,2,3))
JsonString1 = "{\"device\":{\"site\":\"Location1\"},\"tags\":{\"Engine Pressure\":\"150\",\"timestamp\":\"2608411982\",\"historic\":false,\"adhoc\":false},\"online\":true,\"time\":\"2608411982\"}"
JsonString2 = "{\"device\":{\"site\":\"Location2\"},\"tags\":{\"Engine Pressure\":\"160\",\"timestamp\":\"3608411983\",\"historic\":false,\"adhoc\":false},\"online\":true,\"time\":\"3608411983\"}"
JsonString3 = "{\"device\":{\"site\":\"Location3\"},\"tags\":{\"Brake Fluid\":\"100\",\"timestamp\":\"4608411984\",\"historic\":false,\"adhoc\":false},\"online\":true,\"time\":\"4608411984\"}"
JsonStrings = c(JsonString1, JsonString2, JsonString3)
Example <- data.frame(JsonID, JsonStrings)

Using the jsonlite library I can make each json string into a 1 row dataframe.


# One row dataframes
DF1 <- data.frame(fromJSON(JsonString1))
DF2 <- data.frame(fromJSON(JsonString2))
DF3 <- data.frame(fromJSON(JsonString3))

Unfortunately the JsonID variable column is lost. All json strings share common column name such as "time". But there are column names they don't share. By pivoting the data longer I could Rbind all the dataframes together.


# Row bindable one row dataframes
DF1_RowBindable <- DF1 %>%
  rename_all(~gsub("tags.", "", .x)) %>% 
  tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = c(colnames(.)[2]))

Is there a better way to do this?

I have never worked with json strings before. The solution must be computationally scalable.

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1 Answers1


We can store the data from fromJSON in list in the dataframe itself so we don't loose any information that we already have in the data. We can use unnest_wider to create new columns from named list.


Example %>%
  rowwise() %>%
  mutate(data = list(fromJSON(JsonStrings))) %>%
  unnest_wider(data) %>%
  select(-JsonStrings) %>%
  unnest_wider(tags) %>%

# JsonID site      `Engine Pressure` timestamp  historic adhoc `Brake Fluid` online time      
#  <fct>  <chr>     <chr>             <chr>      <lgl>    <lgl> <chr>         <lgl>  <chr>     
#1 1      Location1 150               2608411982 FALSE    FALSE NA            TRUE   2608411982
#2 2      Location2 160               3608411983 FALSE    FALSE NA            TRUE   3608411983
#3 3      Location3 NA                4608411984 FALSE    FALSE 100           TRUE   4608411984

Since each column (data, tags, device) are of different lengths we need to use unnest_wider separately on each one of them.

Ronak Shah
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  • Azure databricks shoots errors on rowwise(). How can we preform the same operation using spark/sparklyr tools. While avoiding bringing the data into the databricks node, which exhausts the memory. – Brad Feb 22 '21 at 01:23
  • 1
    Unfortunately, I don't have any experience with spark so I am not sure how to translate this. Maybe you can ask a new question about solving this specific in spark. – Ronak Shah Feb 22 '21 at 01:25
  • Would there be a way to obtain the same results using dplyrs transmute(), while avoiding rowwise(). This would be Spark friendly. – Brad Feb 26 '21 at 08:38
  • Here is a small example where transmute is used. Individual unnested columns are manually named. Unfortunately I cannot afford to manually name all the unnested columns. https://therinspark.com/data.html – Brad Feb 26 '21 at 08:39