The rank2classes package provides a version of Functor for which the mapped functions seem to be natural transformations between type constructors.

Following that idea, here's a rank-2 version of Bifunctor:

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
import Data.Kind

type Rank2Bifunctor :: ((Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> Type) -> Constraint
class Rank2Bifunctor b where
  rank2bimap ::
    (forall x. p x -> p' x) -> (forall x. q x -> q' x) -> b p q -> b p' q'

It seems clear that this type Foo can be given a Rank2Bifunctor instance:

data Foo f g = Foo (f Int) (g Int)

instance Rank2Bifunctor Foo where
    rank2bimap tleft tright (Foo f g) = Foo (tleft f) (tright g)

But what about this Bar type which nests f and g:

data Bar f g = Bar (f (g Int))

For starters, it seems that we would need to require Functor p in the signature of rank2bimap, to be able to transform the g inside the f.

Is Bar a valid "rank-2 bifunctor"?

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  • The "barbies" package seems to have support for generically deriving rank-2 bifunctor classes: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/barbies- – danidiaz Feb 09 '21 at 13:07

1 Answers1


Indeed that's not an instance of your Bifunctor, since the lack of constraint allows you to pick a contravariant functor for f and then rank2bimap would amount roughly to implement fmap for f:

rank2bimap id :: (g ~> g') -> Bar f g -> Bar f g'  -- covariance of f, kinda (since Bar f g = f (g Int))

type f ~> f' = (forall x. f x -> f' x)

If you add the requirement that f and g (optional here) be functors, then you do get a bifunctor:

rank2bimap :: (Functor f, Functor g) => (f ~> f') -> (g ~> g') -> Bar f g -> Bar f' g'

In particular, to prove the bifunctor laws, you will need the free theorem of f ~> f', assuming f and f' are functors, then n :: f ~> f' satisfies that for all phi, fmap phi . n = n . fmap phi.

Li-yao Xia
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  • E.g. set `g = Const Void, g' = Const (), f x ~= x -> Void`, then `g ~> g' ~= Void -> ()` and then `rank2bimap id ~:: (Void -> ()) -> (Void -> Void) -> () -> Void` deriving contradiction. – HTNW Feb 04 '21 at 15:23
  • If we required both `p` and `q` to be (conventional) `Functor`s in the signature for `rank2bimap`, would the `Rank2Bifunctor` definition "make sense" from a category-theory perspective? – danidiaz Feb 04 '21 at 15:28
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    I added a bit to answer that. – Li-yao Xia Feb 04 '21 at 18:12