I am trying to do host this static website on Google App Engine and I am stuck on this crucial part of the process:

-bash: gcloud: command not found

I get into Google Cloud Platform, then login into the SSH, look for the files, then when I try to deploy, nothing happens. The two main files in this equation include: app.yaml and www (www containing the html and files). I am grabbing a file with a html, then making it the index.html. The index.html is what you see when you open the website after compiling the file(s) (with the command "gcloud app deploy"). After a couple other steps, it becomes available to view on the static website.

I have been trying to find a solution for a few hours now.

Here is what the code looks right now when trying to deploy:

vergil11$ cd Files
vergil11$ ls
vergil11$ cd websitegc
vergil11$ ls
app.yaml  IMD233  Files  README.md  www
vergil11$ gcloud app deploy
-bash: gcloud: command not found

Any help provided, thanks

1 Answers1


You need to add gloud on your %PATH% (Windows) or $PATH (Linux/Mac)

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