I have a filtering function that filters a table without reloading the page, and I have a function to create a graph when a row item is selected. The graph-function is working when loading the page but is not responding to click-events after a filter-event has happened, and I have no clue why that is. Any help would be highly appreciated, many thanks.

//Click eventlistner for all table-filters
$(document).ready(function() {
    const selection = document.querySelectorAll(".dropdown-item");
    selection.forEach(element => {
    element.addEventListener('click', pickSelection)

function pickSelection(event) {
    let text = ""
        case 'seasonToggle':
            text = event.target.textContent
            seasonSelection =  event.target.value
        case 'homeAwayToggle':
            text = event.target.textContent
            typeSelection =  event.target.value
        case 'matchWeekToggle':
            text = event.target.textContent
            MatchweekSelection =  event.target.value
    //Get request for
        type: 'POST',
        url: '/table?' + $.param({ seasonVal: seasonSelection, 
                                typeVal: typeSelection,
                                matchWeekVal: MatchweekSelection}),
        success: (filteredSeasonValues) => {          
            for(let i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
                let filteredTr = filteredSeasonValues[i]
                let newHtml = 
                `<tr id="pos-id-${i+1}">
                    <td class="clickable-row" value="${filteredTr.team_id}"> 
                        <img src='badges/${filteredTr.team_shortName}.png'/>


 * Team progress chart update in /table
$(document).ready(function() {
    $(".clickable-row").click(function() {
        const teamVal = $(this).attr('value')
            type: 'POST',
            url: '/table/team?' + $.param({ teamId: teamVal }),
            success: (res) => {
                var result = res[0]
                var points = result.pointsAll
                var position = result.positionAll
                var labels = result.gameweeks
                var team = result.teamName
                if (teamProgressChart) {
                    teamProgressChart.data.labels = labels
                    teamProgressChart.data.datasets[0].data = points
                    teamProgressChart.data.datasets[1].data = position
                    teamProgressChart.options.title.text = team
                } else {
                        var ctx = document.getElementById('team-progress-graph').getContext('2d');
                        Chart.defaults.global.defaultFontSize = 16;
                        teamProgressChart = new Chart(ctx, {
                            type: 'line',
                            data: {
                                labels: labels,
                                datasets: [
                                        label: "Points",
                                        fillColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
                                        strokeColor: "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
                                        pointColor: "rgba(200,122,20,1)",
                                        borderColor: "rgba(43, 87, 29, 0.9)",
                                        fill: false,
                                        data: points,
                                        yAxisID: 'points'
                                        label: "Position",
                                        fillColor: "rgba(172, 26, 26, 0.9)",
                                        strokeColor: "rgba(172, 26, 26, 0.9)",
                                        pointColor: "rgba(172, 26, 26, 0.9)",
                                        borderColor: "rgba(14, 86, 168, 0.9)",   
                                        fill: false,
                                        data: position,
                                        yAxisID: 'position'
                            options: {
                                title: {
                                    display: true,
                                    text: team
                                scales: {
                                    xAxes: [
                                            ticks: {
                                                // fontSize: 24,
                                                autoSkip: false,
                                                beginAtZero: true
                                    yAxes: [
                                            id: 'points',
                                            min: 0,
                                            position: 'left',
                                            ticks: {
                                                // fontSize: 24,
                                                beginAtZero: true
                                            id: 'position',
                                            suggestedMin : 0,
                                            suggestedMax : 20,
                                            position: 'right', 
                                            // ticks: {
                                            //     fontSize: 24
                                            // }
                                display: false,
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