I am trying to read in some .doc files using readtext package, the code I use being sample_doc <- read_doc("34 - Toomer v Witsell.doc") But I get the error message saying that

Error: System call to 'antiword' failed (1): D:\Google Drive\Headnotes\Westlaw\34 - Toomer v Witsell.doc is not a Word Document. It is probably a Rich Text Format file D:\Google Drive\Headnotes\Westlaw\34 - Toomer v Witsell.doc is not a Word Document.

I did download the file directly as a doc. and did not do anything to change the format. How to read it in then? Thanks!

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  • `read_doc()` is not part of the **readtext** package. You could try `readtext::readtext("34 - Toomer v Witsell.doc")`. You could also try the same after changing the filename extension to `.rtf`. – Ken Benoit May 25 '21 at 09:31

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