Disclaimer: I am getting more and more accustomed with PowerShell, but I am rather inexperienced with PowerShell.

I would like to use PowerShell together with here-string syntax to write the pip.ini and .condarc configuration files to use the Python package managers pip, conda, respectively. With the .condarc, there is no error, but I think I had to rewrite it again in Notepad++ to really make it work - I think that it is a file encoding issue:

mkdir 'C:\ProgramData\conda\.condarc'
echo @"
show_channel_urls: true
allow_other_channels: false
report_errors: false
remote_read_timeout_secs: 120
"@ > C:\ProgramData\conda\.condarc

And the following gives an error for pip.ini because of [global]:

mkdir 'C:\ProgramData\pip\pip.ini'
echo @"
index = https://xxxx/nexus/repository/xxxx/pypi
index-url = https://xxxx:8443/nexus/repository/xxxx/simple
trusted-host = xxxx:8443
"@ > C:\ProgramData\pip\pip.ini

Get-Content pip.ini works well, but pip config list -v returns:

PS C:\Program Files> pip config list -v
Configuration file could not be loaded.
File contains no section headers.
file: 'C:\\ProgramData\\pip\\pip.ini', line: 1

Remark: xxxx represents sensitive company information, therefore replaces real text.

I also tried to escape the square brackets with `, but without success.

Is there a way to specify some file encoding like UTF-8 above or can the problem be somehow solved in another automatized way?

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2 Answers2


In Windows Powershell, the redirection operators use Unicode encoding (in other words, UTF-16 with the little-endian byte order.) That's why you see such weird file content. Either

  • run your code from PowerShell Core (pwsh.exe), or
  • use the Out-File cmdlet with its Encoding parameter instead of > redirector.

However, note that Windows PowerShell tends to add a UTF-8 byte order mark using the following code snippet:

$MyRawString = @"
index = https://xxxx/nexus/repository/xxxx/pypi
index-url = https://xxxx:8443/nexus/repository/xxxx/simple
trusted-host = xxxx:8443
$MyPath = "C:\ProgramData\pip\pip.ini"
$MyRawString | Out-file -FilePath $MyPath -Encoding utf8

Solution for Windows PowerShell. Using .NET's UTF8Encoding class and passing $False to the constructor seems to work (stolen from this M. Dudley's answer):

$Utf8NoBomEncoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding $False
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($MyPath, $MyRawString, $Utf8NoBomEncoding)

Explanation Get-Help About_Redirection

  • Windows PowerShell (powershell.exe)

When you are writing to files, the redirection operators use Unicode encoding. If the file has a different encoding, the output might not be formatted correctly. To redirect content to non-Unicode files, use the Out-File cmdlet with its Encoding parameter.

  • PowerShell Core (pwsh.exe, version 6+)

When you are writing to files, the redirection operators use UTF8NoBOM encoding. If the file has a different encoding, the output might not be formatted correctly. To write to files with a different encoding, use the Out-File cmdlet with its Encoding parameter.

Note that there is an error in the online version of the About_Redirection Help topic for PowersShell 5.1…

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  • That helps but no I indeed need to get rid of byte order mark and I am also not sure about the introduced "\n" at the end of global, the first line now is interpreted as '[global]\n' – mgross Jan 14 '21 at 14:30
  • @mgross Answer updated. `\n` is a moniker for a new line. – JosefZ Jan 14 '21 at 14:59
  • Thank you, that works perfectly: `pip --version` works now with your solution. I will accept your answer soon, but just to be correct with SO guidelines I will wait a day or too in case an even better answer would come up (I do not think so, but one never knows) – mgross Jan 14 '21 at 15:50

Out-File Default in Windows PowerShell 5.1 is Unicode in PowerShell Core 7+ it's UTF8.

You're using mkdir to create a file which doesn't make sense to me.

There's no need to pre-create the file anyhow. So, combining the above maybe something like:

show_channel_urls: true
allow_other_channels: false
report_errors: false
remote_read_timeout_secs: 120
"@ | Out-File  C:\ProgramData\conda\.condarc

index = https://xxxx/nexus/repository/xxxx/pypi
index-url = https://xxxx:8443/nexus/repository/xxxx/simple
trusted-host = xxxx:8443
"@ | Out-File C:\ProgramData\pip\pip.ini
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  • `echo` is an alias for `Write-Output`… – JosefZ Jan 14 '21 at 12:57
  • My fault will fix that... – Steven Jan 14 '21 at 13:01
  • @Steven Did not really resolve my issue, whereas the answer of JosefZ does. With respect to mkdir: You are right with respect to the console, but now when I integrated the commands in a PowerShell Script I seem to need it. – mgross Jan 14 '21 at 17:14