
I have this:

    <li>bullet point</li>
    <li>bullet point</li>
    <li>bullet point</li>

How can I achieve to add horizontales lines like this to it: prevew

Lars Flieger
  • 477
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2 Answers2


Something like this?

CSS originally from HTML list-style-type dash with modifications using Horizontal Line Extension and Horizontal bar

ul {
  margin: 0;

ul.dashed {
  list-style-type: none;

ul.dashed>li {
  text-indent: -5px;

ul.dashed>li:before {
  content: "⎯ ";
  text-indent: -5px;

ul.dashed>li.smaller:before {
  content: "―";

  text-indent: -5px;
<ul class="dashed">
  <li>bullet point</li>
  <li class="smaller"></li>
  <li class="smaller"></li>
  <li class="smaller"></li>
  <li>bullet point</li>
  <li class="smaller"></li>
  <li class="smaller"></li>
  <li class="smaller"></li>
  <li>bullet point</li>
  • 134,906
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I used a combination of padding, ::before and background-gradient, where I put the black ::before element on top of the gray striped gradient. The positive effect of using background-gradient is that the number of stripes adapts to the content.

ul {
  --spacing-half: 0.5rem;

  list-style-type: none;
  padding: 0px;

li {
  padding-left: 3rem; 
  padding-bottom: 3rem;
  position: relative;

li {
  background: linear-gradient(to bottom,
      transparent var(--spacing-half), transparent var(--spacing-half),
      #cccccc var(--spacing-half), #cccccc calc(var(--spacing-half) + 3px),
      transparent calc(var(--spacing-half) + 3px));
  background-repeat: repeat-y;
  background-size: 11px 1rem;
  background-position: calc(var(--spacing-half) + 2px) 0px;

li::before {
  content: '';
  display: block;
  position: absolute;
  left: var(--spacing-half);
  top: var(--spacing-half);
  height: 3px;
  width: 15px;
  background-color: black;
    <li>bullet point</li>
    <li>bullet point</li>
    <li>bullet point</li>
Rickard Elimää
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