Lets say I have this DF

   country confirmed
1  Germany     10910
2 Slovakia      1269
3       US    175663

and I want order by COL "confirmed". How to do it on the fly within %>% ?

workaround is this

   country confirmed
2 Slovakia      1269
1  Germany     10910
3       US    175663

But how to do it this way DF %>% order... ?

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2 Answers2


In dplyr, there is arrange to do the ordering

DF <- DF %>%


#    country confirmed
#2 Slovakia      1269
#1  Germany     10910
#3       US    175663

If we don't want to use DF <- use the %<>% from magrittr

DF %<>%

Or in case, we wanted to use order, an option is to pull the column 'confirmed, do the order and slice the data based on that order

DF %>% 
    pull(confirmed) %>%
    order %>% 
    slice(DF, .)
#   country confirmed
#2 Slovakia      1269
#1  Germany     10910
#3       US    175663

Or another way is

DF %>% 
 pull(confirmed) %>% 
 order %>% 
 `[`(DF, .,)
#   country confirmed
#2 Slovakia      1269
#1  Germany     10910
#3       US    175663


DF <- structure(list(country = c("Germany", "Slovakia", "US"),
confirmed = c(10910L, 
1269L, 175663L)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("1", "2", 
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  • great this works ! but excuse me you said that `If we don't want to assign back, use the %<>% from magrittr` but this is exatcly doing this ... assigning back – Andrew Dec 27 '20 at 23:15
  • @Andrew What I meant is the `df %>% arrange(confirmed)` only prints the output ordered into the console while keeping the `df` as the original one. It can changed only by assigning. The compound operator `%<>%` does the assignment as well. What I meant `if we don't want to assign back` is doing `df – akrun Dec 27 '20 at 23:17
  • 1
    ok, Thanks for help. Here is my working project http://webcovid19.online/ – Andrew Dec 27 '20 at 23:42
  • @Andrew it looks great! – akrun Dec 27 '20 at 23:44

Maybe you can try

> DF %>%
+   slice(order(confirmed))
   country confirmed
2 Slovakia      1269
1  Germany     10910
3       US    175663


> dput(DF)
structure(list(country = c("Germany", "Slovakia", "US"), confirmed = c(10910L, 
1269L, 175663L)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("1", "2",
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