I have a function that returns a gsl::span of a struct object. I have written a mock for this as bellow.

class AppleMock:public Apple
    constexpr AppleMock(gsl::span<const tree> _trees) noexcept
        : Apple(_trees)

    gsl::span<const trees> getTrees() const noexcept
                                 .withOutputParameterOfType("gsl::span<const tree>", "trees", trees);


A tree object looks like this

struct tree
    const char*      name;
    water_func       start;
    int              temperature;

Since gsl::span<const tree> is a custom return type, I wrote a custom copier as bellow.

class TreeSpanTypeCopier : public MockNamedValueCopier
    virtual void copy(void* out, const void* in)
        *(gsl::span<const tree>*)out = *(const gsl::span<const tree>*)in;

I installed my custom copier in the test file as below

    TEST_GROUP (appleGarden)
    void setup()



        TreeSpanTypeComparator treeSpanComparator;
        mock().installComparator("gsl::span<const tree>", treeSpanComparator);

        TreeSpanTypeCopier treeSpanCopier;
        mock().installCopier("gsl::span<const tree>", treeSpanCopier);

    void teardown()

However, I get an error as below,

ut/AppleMock.hpp:24:97: fatal error: no viable conversion from 'const gsl::span' to 'void *' .withOutputParameterOfType("gsl::span", "trees", trees);


../../ext/lfs/cpputest/clang64/include/CppUTestExt/MockActualCall.h:62:117: note: passing argument to parameter 'output' here virtual MockActualCall& withOutputParameterOfType(const SimpleString& typeName, const SimpleString& name, void* output)=0;

  1. Is this method correct?
  2. Or should I update the custom copier so that it will deep copy the members of each object for each element of the span?
  3. Is there a simpler way to Output a span of objects?

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