So I am using Typescript and ES6 classes, I came across an issue that somewhat confuses me, I have a class like so

export class RemoveUser {
  constructor(private usersDb: IUserDb) {
    this.remove = this.remove.bind(this)

  async remove({id}: {id: ID}) {
    if(!id) {
      throw new RequiredParameterError('Id')
    const userToDelete = await this.usersDb.findById({ id })
    if(!userToDelete) {
      throw new InvalidPropertyError('User does not exist.')
    const {_id} = userToDelete

    async function hardDelete(user: IUser) {
      await this.usersDb.remove({id: _id}) // this line right here.
      return {
        deletedCount: 1,
        message: 'User deleted.'

In the code snippet where I mark this line right here, I get a highlight that 'this' implicitly has type 'any' because it does not have a type annotation. An outer value of 'this' is shadowed by this container. What does it mean? One way I could solve the issue is to import usersDb directly into the file, but I don't aim to do that as I am trying to achieve decoupling the application and using repositories. Thank you.

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