My images do not render when I push to gitpages.

The gitpages are here

i tried getting the photo in using


when I inspect the src it is

<img src="data/photos/50155/20200922_131045_k.JPG" alt="Typical habitat downstream of PSCIS crossing 50155." width="720">

and a path of:


Neither of these paths reveal the image when I paste them in my browser although the images themselves are in the repo in both those locations with identical names relative to docs/

Update - started over with a fresh template of bookdown-demo and added back chunks to find the issue.

This was a git lfs issue as the photos show when I am able to untrack the files and recommit. Ended up being a monster rabbit hole to try to get git lfs to untrack all the files in my actual repo though. Followed these instruction from this stackoverlflow post but had to abandon ship after several hours with no success. Ended up cloning a fresh bookdown-demo and copied in my repository without the git lfs set up. Super week solution but I was able to do it because no one has cloned my ugly little repo ;>. Note to self - don't use git lfs unless you absolutely need to and be ready for issues if you do!

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