As the title says I'm trying to generate unit test classes using JavaPoet Here is the test I want to generate:

    public void TestSettingConstantFieldConstantValue() {
    Target mockedTarget = Mockito.mock(Target.class);
    Mockito.verify(mockedTarget, Mockito.times(1)).setConstantField(Mockito.eq("3"));

I'm having a hard time with this part Mockito.mock(Target.class)

This is what I have so far

 return CodeBlock.builder()
            .addStatement("$T $L = $L.$L ($L)",typesMapperGenerationInput.getTargetClass(),NamingConvention.TARGET_MOCKED_OBJECT, )

typesMapperGenerationInput.getTargetClass() gives me the Target Object NamingConvention.TARGET_MOCKED_OBJECT gives me the mockedTarget

now I wanna pass Mockito to the next $L and mock to the $L after it

Just passing it as Mockito won't work..

Any help would be very much appriciated

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