
Code used: 1st Iteration:

line1. Functions.highlightelement(vertical_slider); //highlights the given xpath value
line2. browser.actions().dragAndDrop(vertical_slider,{x:0, y:-250}).perform(); // drag till certain position.

Error message in browser stack:

Failed: An invalid command argument was specified: Node handle not provided for 'Element' origin. It fails after clickandhold and mouse move.

2nd Iteration:
line1. Functions.highlightelement(vertical_slider); //highlights the given xpath value
line2. vertical_slider.click(); // click on the thumb element
line3. browser.actions().sendKeys(protractor.Key.ARROW_UP).perform();

Error message returned from browser stack server:

Failed: The command 'POST /session/7b14db2742b2b103dbbff0756957d2377c35f513/keys' was not found.

3rd iteration:

line1. Functions.highlightelement(vertical_slider); //highlights the given xpath value
line2. vertical_slider.click(); // click on the thumb element
line3. browser.actions().sendKeys(protractor.Key.chord(protractor.Key.CONTROL,'end'));

Error returned from browser stack server:

Failed: The command 'POST /session/7b14db2742b2b103dbbff0756957d2377c35f513/keys' was not found.

However it works well in Chrome Browser (OS x , WINDOWS) , MS EDGE browser (WINDOWS).

Any help on this.

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2 Answers2


It looks like the error is caused by JsonWireProtocol commands being sent to a session initiated in the W3C WebDriver protocol.

You can use the browserstack capability browserstack.use_w3c to explicitly set the protocol to be used.

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unlikely to solve the problem, but worth a try. I use this function

     * Drags first element to the second one
     * @param    {ElementFinder}        $element
     * @param    {(ElementFinder|{x: number, y: number})}       $destination
     * @returns  {promise.Promise}
    dragAndDrop: ($element, $destination) => {
        return browser
            .then(() =>
            .then(() =>
            .then(() =>

just don't forget to await it

await dragAndDrop(vertical_slider,{x:0, y:-250})
Sergey Pleshakov
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