I have a method to build the array for the required type. It works for the primitive types. But when I have array of custom objects it doesn't work. So I have tweaked it. But still it fails. Code is like this :

    private Object buildArray(  String type,   Object object) {
    final Class<?> requiredType =  loadClass(type);
    final String typeName = type.substring(2).replace(";", "").trim();
        Object[] array = ((Object[]) object);
        ArrayList<Object> arrayList = new ArrayList<Object>(array.length);
        for (Object customObj : array) {
            arrayList.add(castToRequiredType(typeName, customObj));
        return arrayList.toArray();

In this castToRequiredType : casts the CustomObject to the CustomType where CustomType is a class. And array to be build is of type CustomType. I am stuck at dynamically building the array of CustomType.

Any help in this direction is welcome. Thanks in advance.

Björn Pollex
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    The intention of this code is really hard to understand. What is your overall goal with this? – Björn Pollex Jun 23 '11 at 11:38
  • overall goal is to invoke the API which takes a parameter of type customObject[]. And each CustomObject I have to build using castToRequiredType. This CustomObject can be MyCustoType, YourCustomType etc. – java_enthu Jun 23 '11 at 11:47

2 Answers2


If you have an array of Object, you can use Arrays.copyOf to convert it to a different type:

CustomType[] ca = Arrays
  .copyOf(array, array.length, CustomType[].class);

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  • Well i tried replacing the last like like this return Arrays.copyOf(arrayList.toArray(), arrayList.size(), customType.newInstance()); but it doesn't compile The method copyOf(U[], int, Class extends T[]>) in the type Arrays is not applicable for the arguments (Object[], int, capture#40-of ?) Thanks for help :) – java_enthu Jun 23 '11 at 11:44
  • @java_enthu: There was a mistake in my answer, but I fixed it. This line replace your `for`-loop. You do not need to construct an `ArrayList` first. This works directly with your `array`. – Björn Pollex Jun 23 '11 at 11:46
  • @space_cowboy : I replace loop by Class> customType = loadClass(typeName); Arrays.copyOf(array, array.length,customType);Still i am getting the same compilation error. he method copyOf(U[], int, Class extends T[]>) in the type Arrays is not applicable for the arguments (Object[], int, Class) – java_enthu Jun 23 '11 at 11:52
  • @java_enthu: Sorry, It seems that indeed this approach does not work if class is not known at compile time. – Björn Pollex Jun 23 '11 at 11:57
  • Anyway thanks for quick help :) Any other approach or work around do you see which will be feasible? – java_enthu Jun 23 '11 at 11:59
  • I edited the answer to fix the compilation error, it must be CustomType[].class and not CustomType.class ! – Maxim Rahlis Jun 19 '14 at 13:53

Thanks I have solved it using Axis's Array Util For the same

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