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Ternary conditional operator in Python

If I have some code like:

x = foo ? 1 : 2

How should I translate it to Python? Can I do this?

if foo:
  x = 1
  x = 2

Will x still be in scope outside the if / then blocks? Or do I have to do something like this?

x = None
if foo:
  x = 1
  x = 2
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  • One way to replace it is to call it by its correct name. In Python it's the "conditional expression". In C it's the "conditional operator". In Java it's the "conditional operator". – S.Lott Mar 13 '09 at 18:37

6 Answers6


Use the ternary operator(formally conditional expression) in Python 2.5+.

x = 1 if foo else 2
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A nice python trick is using this:

foo = ["ifFalse","ifTrue"][booleanCondition]

It creates a 2 membered list, and the boolean becomes either 0 (false) or 1 (true), which picks the correct member. Not very readable, but pythony :)


The Ternary operator mentioned is only available from Python 2.5. From the WeekeePeedeea:

Though it had been delayed for several years by disagreements over syntax, a ternary operator for Python was approved as Python Enhancement Proposal 308 and was added to the 2.5 release in September 2006.

Python's ternary operator differs from the common ?: operator in the order of its operands; the general form is op1 if condition else op2. This form invites considering op1 as the normal value and op2 as an exceptional case.

Before 2.5, one could use the ugly syntax (lambda x:op2,lambda x:op1)[condition]() which also takes care of only evaluating expressions which are actually needed in order to prevent side effects.

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Adriano Varoli Piazza
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Duplicate of this one.

I use this (although I'm waiting for somebody to downvote or comment if it is incorrect):

x = foo and 1 or 2
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  • That works in this case, but it can be dangerous in general: x = foo and bar or baz will produce baz if foo is true and bar is false, which probably isn't what you want. – Khoth Mar 13 '09 at 18:33
  • ah, got it. I've used this for a while, and wasn't quite sure why it wasn't an accepted method. I can see that now. – jonstjohn Mar 13 '09 at 18:34

I'm still using 2.4 in one of my projects and have come across this a few times. The most elegant solution I've see for this is:

x = {True: 1, False: 2}[foo is not None]

I like this because it represents a more clear boolean test than using a list with the index values 0 and 1 to get your return value.

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  • "not not foo" would be better -- empty lists, zeroes and whatnot should also evaluate to False. – Andreas Mar 31 '11 at 16:17

You could use something like:

val = float(raw_input("Age: "))
status = ("working","retired")[val>65]
print "You should be",status

though it is not very pythonic

(the other options are closer to C/PERL, but this involves more tuple magic)

Manuel Ferreria
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