recently I am making a game. There is a script named SizePositionForBullet.cs the code of it was as:-

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class SizePositionForBullet : MonoBehaviour

    #region variables
    //public variables
    public Slider widthSetByUser;
    public Slider heightSetByUser;
    public Slider posXSetByUser;
    public Slider posYSetByUser;

    //private variables
    public float width;
    public float height;
    public float posX;
    public float posY;

    void Update()
        #region Getting Player Prefs
        posX = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("posX", 323);
        posY = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("posY", 175);
        width = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Width", 150);
        height = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Height", 150);

    public void GetSliderValue(int pos)
        if (pos == 1)
            PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("posX", posXSetByUser.value);
        if (pos == 2)
            PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("posY", posYSetByUser.value);
        if (pos == 3)
            PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("Width", widthSetByUser.value);
        if (pos == 4)
            PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("Height", heightSetByUser.value);

So I need to use it's height , width and posX, posY variable in other class. So I added this code in class

public SizePositionForBullet _instance;
public static SizePositionForBullet Instance
          if(_instance == null)
              _instance = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<BulletSizePosition>();
          return _instance;

But when I use it in other class as it:-

float width = BulletSizePosition.Instance.width;

Unity saying: Null refrence Exception Object refrence not set to an instance of object at Assets/Scripts/BulletScript

How to solve it?

  • GameObject.FindObjectOfType(); might be returning null. – Athul Raj Oct 13 '20 at 04:50
  • Does this answer your question? [What is a NullReferenceException, and how do I fix it?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4660142/what-is-a-nullreferenceexception-and-how-do-i-fix-it) – Ian Kemp Oct 13 '20 at 07:23

1 Answers1


Your private _instance must be static too.

You are using the Singleton pattern. If this class reflect only player save (playerprefs) you don't have to make inheriting from MonoBehaviour.

public class MyPlayerSettings

    public float Size;

    private MyPlayerSettings()

    public void LoadPreferences()
        // Get all your pref here
        Size = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Size");

    public static MyPlayerSettings Instance
            if(instance == null)
                instance = new MyPlayerSettings();
            return instance;

    private static MyPlayerSettings instance;
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