I'm trying to add an Expandable List to my app, with a custom layout (containing two ImageView and two TextView) as a child. But I don't really understand how custom adapters work, so I would like to know if what I want to do is actually possible. Here is what the child layout has to look like (not very accurate in little details, but you can get the idea) : enter image description here

Of course, I want every widget (both images and texts) to change according to the data I provide. Those informations are stored in objects : I basically want to display two objects on the same row. What adapter should I use ? I saw in some tutorials that they use HashMaps to link the header to the child, but here the child isn't one object.

I'm a little bit lost, I hope I was clear enough.

  • 1
    If you want multiple children in a row, these links may help: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49914836/checkbox-for-gridview-inside-listview-in-android https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50288713/expandablelistview-with-viewpager-combination-as-its-child – i_A_mok Oct 03 '20 at 14:03
  • that was perfect, thank you very much ! – LoneRetriever Oct 06 '20 at 10:15

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