
Java don't allow putting multiple subtype of a superType into a list if <? extends superType> is the declared generic type of the list. Because in this case lists are treated as read only to enforce it contains only objects of it's dynamic type.

Line commented by //1 going to return the compile error.

My question is:

  • why would line commented by //2 compiles? It eventually puts multiple subType objects into the list.
  • in case it's not a problem here then why throw a compile error at //1
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

class Scratch {
    static class Animal {}
    static class Dog extends Animal {}
    static class Cat extends Animal {}

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<Cat> cats = new ArrayList<>();
        List<Dog> dogs = new ArrayList<>();

        //List<? extends Animal> animalsOfTwoTypes = new ArrayList<Dog>(); 
        //animalsOfTwoTypes.add(new Dog()); //1

        List<? extends Animal> animals = Stream.of(cats, dogs)  //2
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    Does this answer your question? [Difference between super T> and extends T> in Java](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4343202/difference-between-super-t-and-extends-t-in-java) – IQbrod Sep 22 '20 at 13:44
  • Line 1 does not compile as `new Dog()` would not fit in a `List` which is a correct `List extends Animal>` – IQbrod Sep 22 '20 at 13:46
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    See also [What is PECS (Producer Extends Consumer Super)?](https://stackoverflow.com/q/2723397/3890632) – khelwood Sep 22 '20 at 13:48

1 Answers1


It eventually puts multiple subType objects into the list.

Yes, but they're all subtypes of Animal. You've not specified what the type of the elements in the list should be; all the compiler is doing is checking that the resulting type of the list is compatible with the variable type.

You could have written:

    List<Animal> animalsWithoutWildcard = Stream.of(cats, dogs)  //2

and this would be fine also. And then

    List<? extends Animal> animals = animalsWithoutWildcard;

would also be fine, because a list of Animals can also be used as a list from which you can obtain instances of Animal: animals is a producer of Animal instances, whereas animalsWithoutWildcard is both a producer and a consumer of Animal instances.

The point isn't that the thing referred to by a List<? extends Animal> variable can't have things added to it (aside from null), it is that it can't have things added to it through that variable. So:

System.out.println(animals.size());     // N
animalsWithoutWildcard.add(new Dog());  // fine
System.out.println(animals.size());     // N + 1

// but this is an error, even though it's the same list.
animals.add(new Dog());
Andy Turner
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    *can't have things added to it* -> except `null`. `List extends Animal>` is not immutable, the compiler just forbids to add any `Object` to it. (but `null` is not an object) – Lino Sep 22 '20 at 13:52
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    @Lino sure. But even if you couldn't add `null` to it, you could invoke `remove()`, `clear()`, etc, so it wouldn't be immutable anyway. – Andy Turner Sep 22 '20 at 14:16