Heyo, I've been building a cart system tonight for my college class project this semester, like a website connected to a database that logs orders and such. I've been getting this weird error from chrome when I try to console.log, and it is confusing me because I'm not sure what the issue could be. It seems to be coming from this function,

function onLoadCartNumbers() {
    let productNumbers = localStorage.getItem('cartNumbers');

    if(productNumbers) {
        document.querySelector('.cart h3').textContent = productNumbers;

but here's the rest of my JS in codepen for reference because my js doesn't want to paste correctly here for whatever reason, I get that it sounds sketch but I can't do much about it myself


and this is my html pen which this js file is linked to


Not solved anymore, when that string of document.querySelector('.cart h3').textContent = productNumbers; is deleted, and I add an item to the cart, the carts interface then dissappears and im left with a white screen

the ('.cart h3') is supposed to grab the class and h3 element in

<li class="cart">
  <a href="cart.html">

Which is the button to link the user to the cart interface

And theoretically it should, but i returns the error written in the title only in chrome console, nowhere in VSCode does the IDE recognize it as a null error

the entire error is

products.js:50 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'textContent' of null
at onLoadCartNumbers (products.js:50)
at products.js:123

line 123 is

  • 11
  • 4

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