I use spectron / electron testing. Spectron update change to webdriver v5. I have UI test written in v4 method chain. Can I rewrite webdriver v4 test method chain to webdriver v5(current spectron)?

it("input basic test", function() {
    return this.app.client.waitForVisible('#query-area__query-input__input')
            .setValue('#query-area__query-input__input', "Bonan matenon!")
            .then(function(text){assert(text === 'Bonan matenon!')})

in https://github.com/MichinariNukazawa/lina_dicto/blob/master/lina_dicto/test/input_ui.js

I know need replace some method and element id selector. see my spectron issue url: https://github.com/electron-userland/spectron/issues/663

1 Answers1


old spectron(WebdriverIO v4 method chaining)

    it("input basic test", function() {
        return this.app.client.waitForVisible('#query-area__query-input__input')
                .setValue('#query-area__query-input__input', "Bonan matenon!")
                .then(function(text){assert(text === 'Bonan matenon!')})

new spectron(WebderiverIO v5 async/await)

    it("input basic test", async function() {

        const inputElement = await this.app.client.$('#query-area__query-input__input');
        let text;
        text = await inputElement.getValue();
        await inputElement.waitForEnabled()
        await inputElement.clearValue()
        await inputElement.setValue("Bonan matenon!")
        text = await inputElement.getValue();
        assert(text === 'Bonan matenon!')
        // assert(text === '') // test to test (falure)