In my application, there are close to 3200 links that use a link with href="file://path/to/file" to view individual files. When trying to view them in chrome, I get the error "Not allowed to load local resource". The thing is, basically none of them are local to the server. All of the links point to different servers in my works environment, so it would seem that chrome just does not like the file:// command when reaching out for the files.

I have tried just modifying the links to use http:// but that just produces a 404 error. All of the links still work in IE, so I have to think that the paths for the files are all valid. I have considered moving the files local to the page that would call them, but that would involve moving 3200 individual files and changing 3200 individual links.

My question is: What are my options here for a workaround?

It's important to note: any action I take must be in the code or the location of the files, as this application is used by thousands of people and it would be out of the question to, for example have users install a browser extension or something. The application is also pure HTML, so the only programming I can do with it is JavaScript.

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