I am trying to use this command

source .venv\bin\activate

but I get this error

'source' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

can some one help me with this

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  • I don't think, this is meant for `windows`, but specifically `*nix` platforms. For `windows`, i believe it is just running the `activate.bat` file – han solo Aug 28 '20 at 07:07
  • https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=%5Bvirtualenv%5D+%27source%27+is+not+recognized+as+an+internal+or+external+command – phd Aug 28 '20 at 10:26

1 Answers1


1.use cmd rather that cmder

2.to create env use "python -m venv <name_of_your_env>"

3.after this check if it created the environment or no by using "dir"

4.to activate the environment use "<name_of_your_env>\Scripts\activate.bat"

5.to deactivate the environment use "deactivate"

6.to delete the environment completely use "rmdir <name_of_your_env> /s"

You can also refer to this video if my explanation is not clear: https://youtu.be/APOPm01BVrk

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