Apologies if this is already answered here. I searched and found half answers. I'm developing a MaxOS (Catalina) utility that allows you to use a numeric keypad as a kind of Stream Deck. I have it working great in the IDE but as soon as I try to deploy a standalone app, CGEventTapCreate no longer succeeds. It prompts the user to grant accessibility permissions but even after the user has done so, the system will not grant the tap. Anyone with experience with this? Does the app need to be signed for taps to work and that's why the IDE gets a tap but my app does not? Thanks! Jonathan

P.S. RegisterHotkey doesn't distinguish between the numbers on the main keyboard and the numeric keypad, so I can't go that route. JZ

  • Welcome to Stack Overflow. Please include an example of your code that is failing, rather than assuming everyone can gues what you might have written. – Dragonthoughts Aug 27 '20 at 19:21

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