I built my website with React and React Router and it is hosted on Github Pages. When I refresh the site on a page that is not my home page OR do ctrl+click to open the page in a new tab, it leads to a 404 error. I know this is because Github pages doesn't have access to front-end routes and one solution is to add a 404.html file that redirects back to your index.html.

I tried following the instructions on both

  1. https://github.com/websemantics/gh-pages-spa
  2. https://github.com/rafgraph/spa-github-pages

but neither worked for me. I think I am missing something but I can't figure out what is going wrong as I'm not that familiar with React Router. Can anyone help? (Note: I know a solution is to use HashRouter but I don't want my URLs to look ugly)

My code can be viewed on GitHub: https://github.com/christinexlin/portfolio

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2 Answers2


I've spent quite some time to fix this issue. The issue is that GitHub Pages doesn't support single page apps, so there is a 404 error when refreshing page.
Check this out https://github.com/rafgraph/spa-github-pages and follow instructions, it is pretty straightforward. I've followed "basic instructions", but take a look at step 5 in "detailed instructions", that helped me fix it completely (adding repo name to absolute path of assets in index.html and setting segmentCount to 1).
Take a look at my code https://github.com/milosrancic/reactjs-website . I haven't used HashRouter, I've used Switch. And also I've added 404.html file.
I hope this helps

Milos Rancic
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One way you can try to fix this is by replacing Switch with HashRouter in your App.js . This will change your URLs, but it should fix your 404 issue for github pages. If you need a more in depth explanation of why this happens read this reply.

So your updated App.js should look like this:

import React, { Component } from "react";
import { HashRouter, Route } from "react-router-dom";
import Emoji from "react-emoji-render";
import "./App.css";
import Projects from "./Projects.js";
import About from "./About.js";
import Critterpedia from "./Critterpedia.js";
import Bluenotes from "./Bluenotes.js";
import Formally from "./Formally.js";
import visualize from "./Images/visualize-actualize.png";
import ScrollToTop from "./ScrollToTop.js";

class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <ScrollToTop />
          <Route exact path="/" component={Projects} />
          <Route path="/about" component={About} />
          <Route path="/critterpedia" component={Critterpedia} />
          <Route path="/bluenotes" component={Bluenotes} />
          <Route path="/formally" component={Formally} />

        <div className="footer">
          <div className="emoji">
            <Emoji text="" />

          <div className="intro-icon">
            <div className="img-div">
              <img src={visualize} alt="visualize and actualize" />

          <div className="credit">
            <div className="footer-links">
              <a href="https://github.com/christinexlin">GitHub</a>
              <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/christine-lin-01/">
              <a href="https://twitter.com/christinexlin">Twitter</a>
              Made with <Emoji text="" />
              by Christine Lin

export default App;

Let me know if this works for you

Yuran Pereira
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