I've created two pipelines: build and release for Nodejs app.

Here is the link to nodejs app repo: azure web service

Here is the tasks for build pipeline:

enter image description here

Here is the wwwroot folder structure: enter image description here

So it is look like all required files are present. Despite that, I'm constantly receiving:

You do not have permission to view this directory or page

I've tried to add web.config file, but it did not help.

I have front end application on same App service Plan and it works, so it is no way that I have bad service plan.

Do you have any suggestions?

Thanks a lot.

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    Have you tried [continuous deployment with github](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/deploy-continuous-deployment)? – Jason Pan Aug 13 '20 at 07:25
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    You can get more details when deploy your project in `Action`. – Jason Pan Aug 13 '20 at 07:26
  • Hi, @Jason Pan, yes, I have tried - here is the issue: https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/issues/60585 It woked once when I tried to deploy through VS code extension, but I'm interested to do my deploys through Azore DevOps – captain-yossarian Aug 13 '20 at 09:04
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    I ran into the same problem just now, I used my other subscription, and everything worked fine. So I suggest you raise a support ticket on the portal. – Jason Pan Aug 13 '20 at 09:24
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    It may be that some areas or subscriptions are currently abnormal. It is recommended to consult the official and feedback the problems encountered. – Jason Pan Aug 13 '20 at 09:25
  • Thanks, I will do that. Because, 11 of August I did not have any problems with that – captain-yossarian Aug 13 '20 at 09:27
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    According to the official documentation, using vscode for publish projects, is the best way to deploy webapp. – Jason Pan Aug 13 '20 at 09:30
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    If this problem is solved, it is recommended that you can send out the answer yourself, which can help more forum users, tks. – Jason Pan Aug 13 '20 at 09:31
  • During request creation, I'm receiving report of my server issues. One of the issue is: iisnode was unable to establish named pipe connection to the node.exe process before the process terminated – captain-yossarian Aug 13 '20 at 09:33
  • I just deployed it via VS Code extension and it still don't work. I have noticed, that VS Code deploy did not create node_modules folder. What about web.config file? Is it required? – captain-yossarian Aug 13 '20 at 09:37
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    No. You just make sure you can run successfully in local. – Jason Pan Aug 13 '20 at 09:38
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    You need to upload your code to github. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62624444/azure-app-service-static-website-routes-json-doesnt-work/62691128#62691128 – Jason Pan Aug 13 '20 at 09:39
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    Then you need log in portal, use continuous deployment to deploy your webapp. – Jason Pan Aug 13 '20 at 09:40
  • Let us [continue this discussion in chat](https://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/219789/discussion-between-jason-pan-and-captain-yossarian). – Jason Pan Aug 14 '20 at 05:00

1 Answers1


I was able to deploy my service only after using nodejs-docs-hello-world starter.

It is looks like web.config is a required file, btw, still did not find any meaningfull documentation for web.config.

Make sure your azure nodejs env support your js syntax (import from ...), in other case use webpack or typescript.

I'have found App Service Editor very helpful if you want to debug your code errors. See section Output.

I had a problem also with nodejs version, despite the fact I choosed node 12 tls during web app creation, I have noticed that my app used node 6 under the hood. So I changed default nodejs version to 10. See here how to do it

Also, I want to thank @Jason Pan for his help.

enter image description here

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