this.name = name
person.prototype.friends = function(arr){
    var friends = arr.map(function(el){
        return this.name + ' is friend of ' + el
   return friends
let ahmed = new person('Ahmed')
console.log(ahmed.friends(['Mona', 'Khaled']))

I didn't understand why we use bind and when we remove it, the this keyword shows the global object

  • 1
    https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_objects/Function/bind – epascarello Aug 11 '20 at 17:59
  • 3
    Does this answer your question? [What is the use of the JavaScript 'bind' method?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2236747/what-is-the-use-of-the-javascript-bind-method) – iota Aug 11 '20 at 18:00

3 Answers3


The bind() method creates a new function that has the this keyword set to the provided value when called.

Source: MDN


const x = function() {
  alert(this) // Alerts window

const y = function() {
}.bind('Something else') // Alerts 'Something else'



Note that this can only be used on function expressions, and not function declarations. For more information, refer to my answer here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/63801906/12984567

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As per definition bind() method creates a new function that, when called, has its this keyword set to the provided value, with a given sequence of arguments preceding any provided when the new function is called.

if you remove bind()method then this keyword shows the global object because the way javascript this keyword works. To understand the working of this keyword you can refer here.

To understand the working of bind() method here are the code snippet.

var obj = {
 key: 'xyz',
 display: function(){

obj.display(); // expected output: xyz

const unboundDisplay = obj.display; 
unboundDisplay(); // The function gets invoked at the global scope
// expected output: undefined

const boundDisplay = unboundDisplay.bind(obj);
boundDisplay(); // expected output: xyz

To summarize bind() method is used when we assign this function reference to some other variable

person.prototype.friends = function(arr){
    var friends = arr.map(function(el){
        return this.name + ' is friend of ' + el
   return friends

bind makes this available inside function. If you don't have bind in the above code, this will point window, not person. So, without bind, this.name will be undefined.

Philip Moy
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  • Without `bind`, `this` would point to `window`, not `function(...){...}`. Otherwise you are right – FZs Aug 11 '20 at 19:17