
Is there a way on Blazor to cancel navigation?

Let's supose a siple a href like this:

<a href="/some/other/blazor/spa/page">Go</a>

I would like to cancel navigation (for example if we are editing a form)

What I have tried.

Via JS

I set onbeforeunload dom delegate via JSInterop:

window.onbeforeunload = function(){
        return 'Vols abandonar aquesta pàgina?';

but blazor bypass it.

Via locationchanged

I tried unsuccessfully to intercept navigation on locationchanged event:

@implements IDisposable
@inject NavigationManager NavigationManager


protected override void OnInitialized()
    NavigationManager.LocationChanged += HandleLocationChanged;

private void HandleLocationChanged(object sender, LocationChangedEventArgs e)
    // Cancel Navigation Here

public void Dispose()
    NavigationManager.LocationChanged -= HandleLocationChanged;
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3 Answers3


Currently no, this feature is being discussed for .NET V5 - and has a community contribution pull-request so hopefully will make it in. https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/pull/24417

The page is not changed when you navigate in Blazor, so there is no unload in order to trigger onbeforeunload.

Peter Morris
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Update to @PeterMorris answer.

As of 2021-05-17 a location changing event for NavigationManger is now committed for .NET 6.0. I hope it will be possible to catch this event on a global level in the application.

enter image description here


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have you tried to put your js file in the index.html or _host.cshtml page ?

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