I've 2 different components, and I would like to render them separately. Logic is simple when user is logged in render 1st component, if it's not render default component.

Please review my code, and help me with this, I'm not good at react, so please help me

export default function App(props) {
     const Authenticated = props.Authenticated
     const RoutingCabinet = (
                 <Route exact path = '/'    component = { () => TempBody} />
                 <Route exact path = '/new' component = { () => <ResponsiveDrawer />}/>
     const RoutingContent = (
             <Cabinet />
                 <Route exact path = '/user.test'component = { () => <div>Element</div> }/>   
         <ThemeProvider theme = {Theme}>
                 ? RoutingCabinet 
                 : RoutingContent

Currently I can see only RoutingCabinet

Here is the index.js

ReactDOM.render(<App Authenticated = {false} />, document.getElementById('__body__', '__root__'));
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1 Answers1


I may be wrong here, but is <Cabinet /> the same as <RoutingCabinet />? If so, it might work ok. The <div>Element</div> will be visible only if url matches user.test. If you are on any other page, this won't be rendered, so it'll look like <RoutingCabinet /> is rendered, while in fact it's <RoutingContent />, it just renders the same output.