How do I write my query to create the data result in the proper format to be plotted in multiple panels using the | render timechart with (ysplit=panels) output?

Looking at Microsoft's examples, I need to have my IPPrefix column to produce multiple columns in a single row. Instead, my query is producing separate rows for each grouping in IPPrefix.

I have the following query:

let startTime = datetime('2020.07.23 20:00:00');
let endTime = datetime('2020.07.23 23:59:00');
| where TimeGenerated between (startTime..endTime)
| where ResourceType == "APPLICATIONGATEWAYS" and OperationName == "ApplicationGatewayAccess"
| where requestUri_s contains "api/auth/ping"
| extend IPParts = split(clientIP_s, '.')
| extend IPPrefix = strcat(IPParts[0], '.', IPParts[1], '.', IPParts[2])
| make-series Count = count() on TimeGenerated in range(startTime, endTime, 5m) by IPPrefix
//| summarize AggregatedValue = count() by IPPrefix, bin(TimeGenerated, 1m)
| render timechart with (ysplit=panels)

I want the result to look something like: enter image description here

But instead, all the y-series are plotted in a single panel like: enter image description here

I suppose that I am not using make-series in the correct way in order to produce the result I need but I have not been able to apply it in a different way to make it work.

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1 Answers1


I realized that I needed to pivot on the data before rendering. I also learned there is a limit of 5 panels on the ysplit=panels option. I had to limit the series to five and then perform a pivot on the aggregated data.

| make-series Count = count() on TimeGenerated in range(startTime, endTime, 1m) by IPPrefix
| take 5
| evaluate pivot(IPPrefix, any(Count), TimeGenerated)
| render timechart with(ysplit=panels)

Resulting chart with five panels. enter image description here

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