So I have a very strange issue going on here, First time the page loads it doesn't load any Google Fonts or the Icon font pack from the wordpress theme Divi. The content returns a 304 status code. Then if you click the logo (or any nav item) then all the fonts load correctly and return a status code of 200. But then if you hold shift and refresh any page they go back to 304 status and are not loading.

Made a quick screen share video to show the above. https://drive.google.com/file/d/15jAjqRP5PqjPYn69ueLfkTVC3k_ZVtJF/view

I have tried a few suggestion that I found on here on SO but nothing has helped. I tried to disable all Cache Plugins in Wordpress and a few .HTACCESS file mods

Header set Cache-Control "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"
Header set Pragma "no-cache"
Header set Expires 0

Any other suggestions on how to fix this?

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  • Never use "Expires 0". Instead, use `Header set Expires "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT"`. Not sure if this is the root of the problem, though. – Damocles Jul 21 '20 at 16:06
  • @Damocles - Curious to why not on expires 0? I actually took that from this article that was up voted over 2600 times. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49547/how-do-we-control-web-page-caching-across-all-browsers/2068407#2068407 – Travis Jul 21 '20 at 16:33
  • Can you please try to add these meta tags to your web page? Check whether it makes any difference or not. Let us know about your test results. – Deepak-MSFT Jul 22 '20 at 03:13
  • @Deepak-MSFT I really appreciate the suggestion but didnt have any effect here – Travis Jul 22 '20 at 15:27
  • ttf fonts may create issues in the IE browser If possible then try to make a test with wotf or otf font file. – Deepak-MSFT Jul 28 '20 at 07:09

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