I would like to define a CLI flag that counts the number of times that it appears.

For example, let's define the flag --verbose with its shorthand -v:

# verbose value should be 0
> myCmd

# verbose value should be 1
> myCmd -v

# verbose value should be 2
> myCmd -vv

# ...

It's there any built-in way to achieve it ?

1 Answers1


From https://github.com/spf13/cobra: "Flag functionality is provided by the pflag library"

There are several options for counted flags in the pflag library as documented at: https://godoc.org/github.com/spf13/pflag#Count

A long example spanning many files could be presented, but the crux of it is to use something like this (where "run" is the cobra command in this case):

runCmd.Flags().CountP("verbose", "v", "counted verbosity")

To later retrieve that value within runCmd's Run function, use this:

verbosity, _ := cmd.Flags().GetCount("verbose")

Variable verbosity will then be an int holding the number of repetitions.

In that example, I have used the CountP version from pflag, which permits both a long and short flag name to be provided (which I think is what you were hoping to find).

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